Software Trainings
In our software trainings you have the opportunity to learn the use of the software and the statistics. We provide many examples so that you will easily be able to relate to your daily work. Our experienced trainers adjust the speed of the course to the knowledge of the students. Our goal is that after the course you are able to deal with both the software and the stats. This will help you to make you daily work more efficient and productive!
Design Expert
Design Expert is a program for design of experiments. Through careful planning of experiments with the help of statistical designs, one can seperate important from unimportant factors, and determine optimal factor settings. Design Expert helps you in an ideal manner and offers full factorial and fractional factorial designs, response surface designs, mixing and D-optimal designs. In other words, everything you need for the efficient use of statistical designs. The particular strength of Design Expert is how easy one can use it, even without much knowledge of statistics.
The program Eviews is our specialist in the field of econometrics. It provides researchers, companies, offices and students powerful statistical, forecasting and modeling tools, based on an innovative, easy-to-use, object-oriented graphical user interface. The combination of performance and ease to use makes EViews the number one tool for you if you deal with econometric time series. With EViews you handle your data quickly and efficiently, perform econometric and statistical analysis, and you can use EViews scripting language to automate tasks and create reports.
Graphpad Prism
The software Graphpad Prism is a powerful combination of biostatistics, Dose-Response Curves (non-linear regression) and scientific graphs in a compact program. You can easily organize your experiments, analyze and create graphs. Without much effort you will learn how to find the appropriate statistical test, the results and to interpret the reports or adopt the graphs to your needs, e.g. for publications. Graphpad Prism should be in every lab!
The software JMP (pronounced "jump") is an all-rounder in the field of statistics with an excellent price-performance ratio. It is quickly learned and easy to use, even if you are not a statistician or programmer. Whether you are a well-trained technical user, or have no experience in dealing with statistical software - JMP is intuitive, flexible and interactive with a short learning curve. Especially helpful is the feature that every statistical method (from a simple t-test to the complex life cycle analysis) comes with a graphical representation. This will allow you to quickly understand the relations between your data. For advanced users JMP offers many opportunities: advanced statistical analysis (GLM, neural networks, DoE, multivariate methods, process capability ,...) as well as programming with JMP scripting language, which makes automation very easy.
Other available Software
You did not find the training that you were looking for? Please contact us, we do offer more courses and will be happy to help you find something that fits your needs.