Owner: B. Schäfer
D-37213 Witzenhausen
Tel: +49 (0) 554293-300
Fax: +49 (0) 554293-3030
VAT ID Number: DE113914939

We can help you best and swiftly, when your request contains all the relevant information.
We are pleased to answer all your questions no matter if technical or statistical. We will also help you with questions about our software- and training products. We are also glad to help you finding a target date for your requested training.

Trainings: If you have a specific date in mind for your requested training, we will take this in consideration. The detailed content of the training can be discussed with our trainers to shape it in regards of your requirements.

Software: We are pleased to answer your questions about all software features. On request we will send a quotation for your chosen product.

* Mandatory information