SAS JMP Trainings
JMP - Analyzing Categorical Data (JCAT)
This 1-day-training presents multiple ways how to analyse categorical data in JMP. [Více informací ..]JMP - Analyzing Data (JCSA)
This one day course gives a great overview over many of JMPs features. The perfect introduction to data analysis with JMP. [Více informací ..]JMP - ANOVA and Regression (JANR)
This 2-day training introduces the two probably most important statistical methods. Learn when and how to use ANOVA and linear Regression with JMP. [Více informací ..]JMP - Classic Design of Experiments (JDRS)
This 2-day-training introduces classical methods of design of experiments. Learn how to use DoE for optimization of products or processes: with low cost, large success and with JMP. [Více informací ..]JMP - Design of Experiments (JMDOE)
This two-day-training tells you how your processes and products can be optimized using modern methods of design of experiments. [Více informací ..]JMP - Modeling Process Cycles (JIMPC)
This one-day-training gives you all the tools to detect and model structures in your process data with JMP. [Více informací ..]JMP - Scripting Language (JSCR)
In this 2-day-training you will learn how to use the JMP Scripting Language (JSL) for automatization of routine tasks and developement of new methods. [Více informací ..]JMP - Survival Time-Analysis (JREL)
This one-day-training introduces the most important concepts of reliability- and survival-time analysis with JMP. [Více informací ..]JMP Webinar - Update Webinar (LWJMPDM)
This live web class gives a basic overview over common statistical methods dealing with categorical responses. [Více informací ..]