Studentská verze

Ke mnoha různým programům nabízíme i speciální, značně levnější verze pro studenty. Pro všechny studentské verze vyžadujeme adekvátní potvrzení o studiu.

Product versionsPrice € (incl. 19% VAT and shipping)
Design Expert 11 - Studentversion - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (12 months run-time)54,74
Design Expert 11 - Studentversion - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (6 months run-time)32,13
EViews 10 - Studentversion - Student - Mac - Single User für Mac, Mietlizenz (2 Jahre Laufzeit)41,65
EViews 10 - Studentversion - Student - Windows - Single User für Windows, Mietlizenz (2 Jahre Laufzeit)41,65
Limdep 11 - Student - Windows - Single User, annual license136,85
MaxStat Pro Studentversion - Student - Windows - Single User Mietlizenz46,41
Origin Pro 2018 - Studentversion - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)94,01
Solas 5 - Studentversion - Student - Windows - Single UserGet a Quote 
STATA 15 - Small - Student - STATA IC Mietlizenz 12 Monate 83,72
STATA 15 - Small - Student - STATA IC Mietlizenz 6 Monate39,57
STATA 15 - Small - Student - STATA IC perpetual194,33
STATA 15 - Small - Student - STATA SE Mietlizenz 12 Monate231,75
STATA 15 - Small - Student - STATA SE Mietlizenz 6 Monate120,49
STATA 15 - Small - Student - STATA SE perpetual393,59
Statgraphics Centurion 18 - Bilingual Studentversion - Student - Windows - Single User195,16
Statgraphics Centurion 18 - Multilingual Studentversion - Student - Windows - Single User259,42
The Unscrambler 10.5 - Student - Windows - Single User (3 year run-time)368,90
XLSTAT - 3DPlot - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)53,55
XLSTAT - 3DPlot - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)53,55
XLSTAT - Base - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)53,55
XLSTAT - Base - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)53,55
XLSTAT - Biomed - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Biomed - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - CCR - Student - Mac - Single User, annual license53,55
XLSTAT - CCR - Student - Windows - Single User, annual license53,55
XLSTAT - Ecology - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Ecology - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Forecast - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Forecast - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - LatentClass - Student - Mac - Single User, annual license53,55
XLSTAT - LatentClass - Student - Windows - Single User, annual license53,55
XLSTAT - Marketing - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Marketing - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Premium - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)160,65
XLSTAT - Premium - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)160,65
XLSTAT - Psy - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Psy - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Quality - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Quality - Student - Windows - Single User107,10
XLSTAT - Sensory - Student - Mac - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10
XLSTAT - Sensory - Student - Windows - Single User, rental license (1 year run-time)107,10